Saturday, November 30, 2013

7.1 – Discussion of Daniel 9 verses 1- 3

>>> Verse1: We are in 538 BC. Darius the Mede was the smaller horn from Daniel 8 verse 3. Darius the Mede ruled over the kingdom of the Chaldeans, the Neo-Babylonian Empire, which began in 626 BC and ended in 539 BC.     
The last king of the Babylonian Empire (Belshazzar) is overthrown by the Median and Persian armies in 539BC by King Cyrus.
>>> Verse 2: What Daniel does is to search for insight in God’s plan with his people, Israel, and with Jerusalem. See Psalms 119 verse 24: “Your instructions give me pleasure; they are my advisers”. And verse 33: “Teach me, Lord, the meaning of your laws, and I will obey them at all times”. Also see verses 35, 57, 59, 105 and many more. Daniel understood from the “sacred books” that the reason of their exile was their sin. The direct reason is as described in 2 Chron. 36 verse 21: “And so what the Lord had foretold through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled: “The land will lie desolate for seventy years, to make up for the Sabbath rest that has not been observed.” And also Jer.25 verse 11: “This whole land will be left in ruins and will be a shocking sight, and the neighboring nations will serve the king of Babylonia for seventy years”. Together with this, Daniel understands also that, after the 70 years are over, the Lord will bring his people back to their country, as it is written in  Jer.29 verses 10-14: “The Lord says, ‘When Babylonia's seventy years are over, I will show my concern for you and keep my promise to bring you back home. I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for. Then you will call to me. You will come and pray to me, and I will answer you.   You will seek me, and you will find me because you will seek me with all your heart. Yes, I say, you will find me, and I will restore you to your land. I will gather you from every country and from every place to which I have scattered you, and I will bring you back to the land from which I had sent you away into exile. I, the Lord, have spoken”.
The “Sabbath rest”, was the requirement of the Law of Moses that every seventh year the land was not to be farmed. This served as witness of their faith. Israel’s wish, to live in the same manner as the nations around them, (without the Sabbath rest) showed their unbelief.   The interruption of the “Sabbath rest” started in 1096BC, when Saul was anointed to be the first king over Israel. Since that time there is no indication of any Sabbath rest. And exactly 490 years later (490=70*7), occurs the first exile of the Jews to Babylon. This happens under king Jehoiakim, in 606 BC. It is now almost 536BC. It is with this view in mind, (the expectance of the end of the 70 years ), that Daniel directs his prayers to God.

>>> Verse 3: The sin of disbelief and separation from God by his people is now being confessed by Daniel, who takes the role of priest and intercessor for all his people. He begs for God's mercy. Similar intercessions can also be found in Nehemiah 9: 32-37, and in Ezra 9, verses 5-15: ……..  I got up from where I had been grieving, and still wearing my torn clothes, I knelt in prayer and stretched out my hands to the Lord my God. I said, “O God, I am too ashamed to raise my head in your presence. Our sins pile up higher than our heads; they reach as high as the heavens…. “ … And, of course, the example of our Great Intercessor: Jesus-Christ. 

Friday, November 29, 2013

7.0-  Daniel Prays for His People

In Daniel 9 verses 1 through 19 we read:
1 Darius the Mede, who was the son of Xerxes, ruled over the kingdom of Babylonia. 2 In the first year of his reign I was studying the sacred books and thinking about the seventy years that Jerusalem would be in ruins, according to what the Lord had told the prophet Jeremiah. 3 And I prayed earnestly to the Lord God, pleading with him, fasting, wearing sackcloth, and sitting in ashes.

4 I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed the sins of my people.
I said, “Lord God, you are great, and we honor you. You are faithful to your covenant and show constant love to those who love you and do what you command.
5 “We have sinned, we have been evil, we have done wrong. We have rejected what you commanded us to do and have turned away from what you showed us was right. 6 We have not listened to your servants the prophets, who spoke in your name to our kings, our rulers, our ancestors, and our whole nation. 7 You, Lord, always do what is right, but we have always brought disgrace on ourselves. This is true of all of us who live in Judea and in Jerusalem and of all the Israelites whom you scattered in countries near and far because they were unfaithful to you. 8 Our kings, our rulers, and our ancestors have acted shamefully and sinned against you, Lord. 9 You are merciful and forgiving, although we have rebelled against you. 10 We did not listen to you, O Lord our God, when you told us to live according to the laws which you gave us through your servants the prophets. 11 All Israel broke your laws and refused to listen to what you said. We sinned against you, and so you brought on us the curses that are written in the Law of Moses, your servant. 12 You did what you said you would do to us and our rulers. You punished Jerusalem more severely than any other city on earth, 13 giving us all the punishment described in the Law of Moses. But even now, O Lord our God, we have not tried to please you by turning from our sins or by following your truth. 14 You, O Lord our God, were prepared to punish us, and you did, because you always do what is right, and we did not listen to you.
 15 “O Lord our God, you showed your power by bringing your people out of Egypt, and your power is still remembered. We have sinned; we have done wrong. 16 You have defended us in the past, so do not be angry with Jerusalem any longer. It is your city, your sacred hill.  All the people in the neighboring countries look down on Jerusalem and on your people because of our sins and the evil our ancestors did. 17 O God, hear my prayer and pleading. Restore your Temple, which has been destroyed; restore it so that everyone will know that you are God. 18 Listen to us, O God; look at us and see the trouble we are in and the suffering of the city that bears your name. We are praying to you because you are merciful, not because we have done right. 19 Lord, hear us. Lord, forgive us. Lord, listen to us, and act! In order that everyone will know that you are God, do not delay! This city and these people are yours.”

Thursday, November 28, 2013

6.3- Discussion of Daniel 8 verses 24-27.

>>> Verse 24: “Not by his own power”; this is because the dragon gives him the power. See Rev. 13 verse 2: “The beast looked like a leopard, with feet like a bear's feet and a mouth like a lion's mouth. The dragon gave the beast his own power, his throne, and his vast authority”.  Note: Also we are capable of being strong in the power of our Lord and not in our own power. See Ephesians 6 verse 10: “Finally, build up your strength in union with the Lord and by means of his mighty power”. What Satan is for the godless to their destruction, is God for his people to their salvation.
>>> Verse 25: It says here that because he is sneaky, he will succeed in his devious ways. In Revelation 6 verse 2 it says: “I looked, and there was a white horse. Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown. He rode out as a conqueror to conquer”.  This shows the false peace: a white horse coming from the same stable as the other three horses bringing wars and destruction. A white horse gives the impression to be peaceful……But suddenly the truth is revealed. See also 1 Thessalonians 5 verse 3: “When people say, “Everything is quiet and safe, “then suddenly destruction will hit them! It will come as suddenly as the pains that come upon a woman in labor, and people will not escape”.
… But he will but he will be destroyed without the use of any human power. See 2 Thessalonians 2, verse 8: “Then the Wicked One will be revealed, but when the Lord Jesus comes, He will kill him with the breath from his mouth and destroy him with His dazzling presence”. Also see Dan. 2 verse 44: “At the time of those rulers the God of heaven will establish a kingdom that will never end. It will never be conquered, but will completely destroy all those empires and then last forever”, Dan. 7: 26, 27, Rev. 17 verse 14: “They will fight against the Lamb; but the Lamb, together with his called, chosen, and faithful followers, will defeat them, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings” and more texts in the bible that refer to this such as: Rev. 19: 11-16, Psalms 2, Zech. 14: 5.
>>> Verse 26: Extra attention is given to the vision about the evening and morning sacrifices. For Daniel this time is still far away because it says: “…because it will be a long time before it does come true”. However for us it is thought to be very near.

>>> Verse 27: The depression of Daniel is very understandable, because it concerns his own people. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

6.2- Discussion of Daniel 8 verses 17- 23

>>> Verses 17-19: These verses talk about fear in the presence of the vision, which had to do not only with the ram and the goat, but primarily with the end of the world. The real understanding of the vision is not related to the temporary kingdoms of the ram and the goat, but to the end times, as it says in verse 19: “I am showing you what the result of God's anger will be. The vision refers to the time of the end”. The cause of the anger of God over all sin and, ungodliness are as mentioned in the following verses:
a) - verse 9: wars of the antichrist.
b) - verses10-12: rejection of any relation with the true God.
      (Ungodliness and occultism).
c) - verses 12 and 13: Desecration of the sanctuary.
d) – verse 12: People sinned instead of offering the proper daily
e) – verse 12: True religion was thrown to the ground. The lie is
       believed. See Rom. 1 verse 25: “They exchange the truth about
      God for a lie; they worship and serve what God has created
      instead of the Creator himself, who is to be praised forever
f) – verse 24: He will cause terrible destruction….. on God's own
      people. Destruction in all aspects such as the environment, but
      also related to a degradation of the human values such as
      moral and ethics
g) – verse 25: It says: “He will even defy the greatest King of all” He
       will even compete against Jesus Christ. See also 1 John 2
       verse 18: “My children, the end is near! You were told that the
       Enemy of Christ would come; and now many enemies of Christ
       have already appeared, and so we know that the end is near”.
       But all these causes of the anger of God are at the same time
       the reason his downfall. See 2 Thessalonians 2
       verses 4 and 8: “He will oppose every so-called god or object of
       worship and will put himself above them all. He will even go in
       and sit down in God's Temple and claim to be God…… Then
       the Wicked One will be revealed, but when the Lord Jesus
       comes, he will kill him with the breath from his mouth and
       destroy him with his dazzling presence”.

>>> Verses 20-23: This is the same as what was mentioned before under verses 4-9.  See the discussion under the verses 4-9 before. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

6.1- Discussion of Daniel 8 verses 15-16

>>> Verse 15: To serve the human beings, God sends His angels. See also Hebrews 1 verse 14: “What are the angels, then? They are spirits who serve God and are sent by him to help those who are to receive salvation”. These angels come also in the form of human beings. See for example Hebrews 13 verse 2: “Remember to welcome strangers in your homes. There were some who did that and welcomed angels without knowing it”. And many more places in the bible, such as: Gen. 18: 1-3, 22, Gen. 19: 1-3, Gen.28: 12, 1Kings 19: 5-7, 2 Kings 6: 16, 17, Dan. 9: 21, Dan. 12: 5-7…. Sometimes also the Lord Himself comes to us in the form of an angel: See Genesis 18 verses1and 2: “The Lord appeared to Abraham at the sacred trees of Mamre. As Abraham was sitting at the entrance of his tent during the hottest part of the day,   he looked up and saw three men standing there”.  (Other examples of this we can find in Gen. 32:1, 2, Jos. 5: 13-15…and more). This is because He has made us after His image, and therefore there exists certain equality. See John 4 verse 24: “God is Spirit, and only by the power of his Spirit can people worship him as he really is”. And also 1 John 3 verse 2: “My dear friends, we are now God's children, but it is not yet clear what we shall become. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he really is”. Therefore: God wants to relate to us not as a man with his servant, but as a man with his wife, as partners. The relation is based on equality.
>>> Verse 16: A voice was heard to tell Gabriel to explain the meaning of what Daniel saw. This appearance, the Lord Himself,  was of a higher rank than Gabriel to who He gives the order for the benefit of Daniel. This is because angels are lower in ranking than God’s children. See also, in Hebrews 1 verse 14: “What are the angels, then? They are spirits who serve God and are sent by him to help those who are to receive salvation”, and 1 Cor. 6 verse 3: “¿Do you not know that we shall judge the angels?” 
And to us, similarly as to Daniel, God gives it us to understand the meaning of the vision. To have it explained to us is not necessary, because the explanation is given here already by the Angel Gabriel. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

6.0- The Angel Gabriel Explains the Vision

In Daniel 8 verses 15 through 27 we read:
15 I was trying to understand what the vision meant, when suddenly someone was standing in front of me. 16  I heard a voice call out over the Ulai River, “Gabriel, explain to him the meaning of what he saw.” 17 Gabriel came and stood beside me, and I was so terrified that I fell to the ground.

He said to me, “Mortal man, understand the meaning. The vision has to do with the end of the world.” 18 While he was talking, I fell to the ground unconscious. But he took hold of me, raised me to my feet, 19 and said,

 “I am showing you what the result of God's anger will be. The vision refers to the time of the end.
20 “The ram you saw that had two horns represents the kingdoms of Media and Persia. 21 The goat represents the kingdom of Greece, and the prominent horn between his eyes is the first king. 22 The four horns that came up when the first horn was broken represent the four kingdoms into which that nation will be divided and which will not be as strong as the first kingdom.
23 “When the end of those kingdoms is near and they have become so wicked that they must be punished, there will be a stubborn, vicious, and deceitful king. 24 He will grow strong—but not by his own power. He will cause terrible destruction and be successful in everything he does. He will bring destruction on powerful men and on God's own people. 25 Because he is cunning, he will succeed in his deceitful ways. He will be proud of himself and destroy many people without warning. He will even defy the greatest King of all, but he will be destroyed without the use of any human power. 26 This vision about the evening and morning sacrifices which has been explained to you will come true. But keep it secret now, because it will be a long time before it does come true.”
27 I was depressed and ill for several days. Then I got up and went back to the work that the king had assigned to me, but I was puzzled by the vision and could not understand it.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

5.3- Discussion of Daniel 8, verses 10- 14

>>> Verse 10: He also attacked “the army of heaven, the stars themselves”. See also Rev. 12 verse 4: “With his tail he dragged a third of the stars out of the sky and threw them down to the earth” Similar words are used in many other biblical texts, such as for example: Isaiah 13 verse10:” Light will disappear from the stars in the sky; the dawning sun will turn dark, and the moon will lose its glow”, Ez.32 verse 7: “I will cover the whole sky and every star with thick clouds, so that the sun and moon will stop shining”, Matthew 24 verse 29: “Right after those days of suffering, the sun will become dark, and the moon will no longer shine. The stars will fall,
and the powers in the sky will be shaken”, and also Luke 21:25. All this indicates the terrific power of the antichrist and all that is related to him. These are the powers of the heavens, worldly leaders, and also idols. The detail that it threw some of them to the ground and trampled on them could very well refer to the people of God: Jews and Christians.
>>> Verse 11 and 12: In the year 170 BC, the high priest Onias III was removed from his position. Onias III was a faithful Jew and was the image of the Great High Priest. See Daniel 11 verse 22: “Anyone who opposes him, even God's High Priest, will be swept away and wiped out”. After this the temple was desecrated, and a swine was offered in the holy place. This will happen in the future again.
See Matthew 24 verse 15: “You will see ‘The Awful Horror’ of which the prophet Daniel spoke. It will be standing in the holy place.” (And also 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4, Rev.  13:4, 12-15).
>>> Verses 13, 14: The angels, (saints), wonder how long these things that were seen in the vision will continue. See also Rev. 6 verses 9 and 10: “…..I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who had been killed because they had proclaimed God's word and had been faithful in their witnessing. They shouted in a loud voice, “Almighty Lord, holy and true! How long will it be until you judge the people on earth and punish them for killing us?

The time that people sinned instead of offering the proper daily sacrifices (see verse 12) was 2300 evenings and mornings, as we see in verse 14. In other words: 1150 days. This is 110 days less than the 1260 days, or three and a half years, described in Daniel 9 verse 27, which will be discussed later. Here I will only mention the reduction of the three and a half years by 110 days as mentioned by Jesus in Mathew 24 verse 22: “But God has already reduced the number of days; had he not done so, nobody would survive. For the sake of his chosen people, however, God will reduce the days”. 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

5.2- Discussion of Daniel 8, verses 5-9

>>> Verse 5: The goat (Leopard in Daniel 7 verse 6), is the symbol of Greece (Aegea is the metaphorical use of "goat”, from there the name “Aegean sea”). It was moving so fast that his feet didn't touch the ground…. This is how Alexander the Great conquered the world: Very fast, in13 years.  
>>> Verses 6 and 7: In 332 BC, Alexander the Great defeats the Medes and the Persians.

>>> Verse 8: Alexander the Great died in 323 BC, when he was 33 years old and his kingdom was divided among his 4 generals as follows:

 To the west: Greece with Macedonia under Cassander.
To the north: Turkey and Asia Minor, under Lysimachus/Antigonus.
To the east: with Syria under Seleucus.
To the south: Egypt and Palestine, under Ptolomy, until 198 BC.
>>> Verse 9: From one of these four parts of the Greek empire (Syria?) will come the “little horn”, the coming antichrist, who will become powerful in Egypt, Iraq, Iran and the Promised land.
See also Daniel 11 verses 16 and 41: “The Syrian invader will do with them as he pleases, without opposition. He will stand in the Promised Land and have it completely in his power……  He will even invade the Promised Land and kill tens of thousands…..” 

Friday, November 22, 2013

5.1- Discussion of Daniel 8, verses 1- 4  

>>> Verse 1: 553BC. The time of the “golden head” (see Dan. 2 verse 38) is almost over. This vision is therefore approximately 50 years after Daniel 2.
>>> Verse 2: Susa was the capital of Elam and part of Persia. (Semitic, see Gen. 10 verses 22, 23: “Shem, the older brother of Japheth, was the ancestor of all the Hebrews. Shem's sons—Elam, Asshur,….). Therefore, Daniel was probably in Susa as an ambassador. Susa was independent but connected to Babylon against Assyria. Later on, Cyrus the Persian, (son of Ester), conquers the weakened Babylon. This is not far away and therefore it talks here in this vision only about the “silver” and “bronze” kingdoms, and the “golden head” is no more mentioned.
>>> Verses 3: The ram (bear in Dan. 7 verse 5), had two horns: One of the horns was Darius the Mede, see Daniel and 9verse1:” Darius the Mede, who was the son of Xerxes, ruled over the kingdom of Babylonia”.  He was the husband of Ester. The other horn was Cyrus from Persia (see Dan. 6verse 28: “Daniel prospered during the reign of Darius and the reign of Cyrus the Persian”, And Ezra 1 verse 1 to 3, where we see Cyrus giving the command for rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem. : “In the first year that Cyrus of Persia was emperor,  the Lord made what he had said through the prophet Jeremiah come true. He prompted Cyrus to issue the following command: ………………….May God be with all of you who are his people. You are to go to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple of the Lord, the God of Israel, the God who is worshiped in Jerusalem”. And also Isaiah 44: 28: “I (= The Lord), say to Cyrus, ‘You are the one who will rule for me; you will do what I want you to do: you will order that Jerusalem be rebuilt and that the foundations of the Temple be laid.”). … Cyrus, the son of Darius, was the longer and newer horn.  
>>> Verse 4: The ram was butting with his horns to the west, the north, and the south. To the west: Babylon. To the North: Lydia, and against the south: Egypt. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

5.0- Daniel's Vision of a Ram and a Goat

In Daniel 8 verses 1 through 14 we read:

1 In the third year that Belshazzar was king, I saw a second vision.  2 In the vision I suddenly found myself in the walled city of Susa in the province of Elam. I was standing by the Ulai River, 3 and there beside the river I saw a ram that had two long horns, one of which was longer and newer than the other. 4 I watched the ram butting with his horns to the west, the north, and the south. No animal could stop him or escape his power. He did as he pleased and grew arrogant.

5 While I was wondering what this meant, a goat came rushing out of the west, moving so fast that his feet didn't touch the ground. He had one prominent horn between his eyes. 6 He came toward the ram, which I had seen standing beside the river, and rushed at him with all his force. 7 I watched him attack the ram. He was so angry that he smashed into him and broke the two horns. The ram had no strength to resist. He was thrown to the ground and trampled on, and there was no one who could save him.
8 The goat grew more and more arrogant, but at the height of his power his horn was broken. In its place four prominent horns came up, each pointing in a different direction. 9 Out of one of these four horns grew a little horn, whose power extended toward the south and the east and toward the Promised Land. 10 It grew strong enough to attack the army of heaven, the stars themselves, and it threw some of them to the ground and trampled on them. 11 It even defied the Prince of the heavenly army, stopped the daily sacrifices offered to him, and ruined the Temple. 12 People sinned there instead of offering the proper daily sacrifices, and true religion was thrown to the ground. The horn was successful in everything it did.
13 Then I heard one angel ask another, “How long will these things that were seen in the vision continue? How long will an awful sin replace the daily sacrifices? How long will the army of heaven and the Temple be trampled on?”
14 I heard the other angel answer, “It will continue for 2,300 evenings and mornings, during which sacrifices will not be offered. Then the Temple will be restored.” 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

4.2- Discussion of Daniel 7 verses 24- 28.

>>> Verses 24, 25: Which these 10 kingdoms are, is not yet clear. It is not like the old Roman Empire where there was only one emperor. This new “Roman Empire” covers now 27 nations, (the European Union). Anyway its time is short, (one hour it says in Rev. 17 verse 12).
The small horn that came up afterwards and had made three of the horns fall indicates the appearance of the “antichrist”. He is called “the beast” and will fight against the Lamb (Jesus and his followers) and will persecute God’s people for three and a half years. See Daniel 12 verse 7: “The angel raised both hands toward the sky and made a solemn promise in the name of the Eternal God. I heard him say, “It will be three and a half years. When the persecution of God's people ends, all these things will have happened”.
There are many places in the bible where it refers to the three and a half years, or forty two months of tribulation. See for example: Daniel 9:27, “That ruler will have a firm agreement with many people for seven years, and when half this time is past (= three and a half years), he will put an end to sacrifices and offerings. The Awful Horror will be placed on the highest point of the Temple and will remain there until the one who put it there meets the end which God has prepared for him…This end is three and a half years later
(= the second half of the seven years): The end of the tribulation time. Also we can find this same time period used in revelations 13verses 5 and 6, “The beast was allowed to make proud claims which were insulting to God and it was permitted to have authority for forty-two months. It began to curse God, his name, the place where he lives, and all those who live in heaven”.
The Lamb (=Jesus Christ) with his chosen people will however obtain the victory. See Rev 17 verses 13 and 14 and also 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 8, already cited before.
>>> Verse 26: This repeats what was said before and was discussed under Daniel 7 verses 9 and 10; however it’s worth it to proclaim again the coming destruction of God's enemies.
>>> Verse 27: The same as also promised under verses 18 and 22, where we see that God’s people will receive royal power and keep it forever. They will never have to fear again the power of “the beast”:  Satan.
>>> Verse 28: Also for us these words are very overwhelming, thinking of the terrible suffering of God's people.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

4.1- Discussion of Daniel 7, verses 15-23

>>> Verses 15, 16: Intense emotion about this fascinating vision, with the subsequent logical question about its meaning. This, of course, should be also our reaction.
>>> Verses 17, 18: The answer to the question to explain “it all” is surprising because the answer Daniel receives covers “it all”: The whole history of the world in two verses. …
Namely: First there will be four kingdoms that will disappear, and subsequently, the people of God will receive power and keep it forever.  This is the plan of God with the world we live in: There will not be any more a nation on earth that will threaten Israel (or the church).
>>> Verse19-22: Explanation of the fourth - and fifth - kingdom.
In the vision of Daniel these two kingdoms go from one into the other in a smooth transition. And this occurs, while there are 1878 years between them. (This is the difference between the year 1948, the year when Israel officially became a nation again, and the year 70, the year of the siege of Jerusalem, when the Jews went into exile).  See Rev. 17 verse 12: “The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet begun to rule, but who will be given authority to rule as kings for one hour with the beast”. The ten kings in this verse,  will arrive after the old Roman Empire has disappeared, and the Jews have come back from their exile and have returned to their land. Very difficult times will arise. See Rev. 17 verses 13 and 14: “These ten all have the same purpose, and they give their power and authority to the beast. They will fight against the Lamb; but the Lamb, together with his called, chosen, and faithful followers, will defeat them, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings”. 
>>> Verse 23: This fourth beast is different from the ones before. This difference we must seek in its cruelty: “It will crush the whole earth and trample it down”, says the bible. This is also because of its satanic religious dictatorship: see verse 25, where it says that he will try to change their religious laws

Monday, November 18, 2013

4.0- The Visions Are Explained.

In Daniel 7 verse 15 through 28 we read:
15 The visions I saw alarmed me, and I was deeply disturbed.  16 I went up to one of those standing there and asked him to explain it all. So he told me the meaning. 17 He said, “These four huge beasts are four empires which will arise on earth

 18 And the people of the Supreme God will receive royal power and keep it forever and ever.”
19 Then I wanted to know more about the fourth beast, which was not like any of the others—the terrifying beast which crushed its victims with its bronze claws and iron teeth and then trampled on them. 20 And I wanted to know about the ten horns on its head and the horn that had come up afterward and had made three of the horns fall. It had eyes and a mouth and was boasting proudly. It was more terrifying than any of the others.
21 While I was looking, that horn made war on God's people and conquered them.  22 Then the one who had been living forever came and pronounced judgment in favor of the people of the Supreme God. The time had arrived for God's people to receive royal power.
23 This is the explanation I was given: “The fourth beast is a fourth empire that will be on the earth and will be different from all other empires. It will crush the whole earth and trample it down. 24 The ten horns are ten kings who will rule that empire. Then another king will appear; he will be very different from the earlier ones and will overthrow three kings. 

 25 He will speak against the Supreme God and oppress God's people. He will try to change their religious laws and festivals, and God's people will be under his power for three and a half years. 26 Then the heavenly court will sit in judgment, take away his power, and destroy him completely.  27 The power and greatness of all the kingdoms on earth will be given to the people of the Supreme God. Their royal power will never end, and all rulers on earth will serve and obey them.”
28 This is the end of the account. I was so frightened that I turned pale, and I kept everything to myself”.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

3.2-  Discussion of Daniel 7, verses 12-14

>>> Verse 12: The other beasts, (the remaining empires without the Babylon/Rome empire) were allowed to go on living for a limited time, - (this is understood to be for the time of 1000 years:the millennium”) - But without authority…. What happens at the end of this “limited” time we can see in Rev. 20 verses 7,-9: “After the thousand years are over, Satan will be set loose from his prison,   and he will go out to deceive the nations scattered over the whole world, that is, Gog and Magog. Satan will bring them all together for battle, as many as the grains of sand on the seashore. They spread out over the earth and surrounded the camp of God's people and the city that he loves. But fire came down from heaven and destroyed them. Then the Devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had already been thrown; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever”.  …. It is surprising and in the same time wonderful to note this indication of the period after the millennium. This is the moment when also the devil is thrown into the “lake of fire and sulfur”, after the “beast and the false prophet” had already been thrown in there 1000 years earlier. This is how far this vision goes into the future. The beast here represents the antichrist.
>>> Verses 13, 14: Jesus is shown here as coming surrounded by clouds. See also Mark 14 verse 62: “I am,” answered Jesus, “and you will all see the Son of Man seated at the right side of the Almighty and coming with the clouds of heaven”. Also Mathew 24 verse 30:” Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky; and all the peoples of earth will weep as they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory”. And many more texts refer to clouds surrounding Jesus when he appears. It is like a “code” to help us recognize Him when He returns. (See also Rev. 1 verse 7: “Look, he is coming on the clouds! Everyone will see him, including those who pierced him. All peoples on earth will mourn over him. So shall it be!”). … Verse 14 indicates that to Jesus “was given authority, honor, and royal power” and that there will be no end to His kingdom. See as reference: Rev. 20 verses 1-6, where I will copy only the most relevant parts: “Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven…….   He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent—that is, the Devil, or Satan—and chained him up for a thousand years …... so that he could not deceive the nations any more until the thousand years were over. After that he must be set loose for a little while. Then I saw thrones, and those who sat on them were given the power to judge………. They had not worshiped the beast or its image……….. they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and they will rule with him for a thousand years”. ..… And after that, as we have seen above, Satan will be “thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur”, and Jesus will reign forever. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

3.1-  Discussion of Daniel 7, verses 9-11

>>> Verses 9, 10: Suddenly is there the promise to Daniel and to us: God Himself is going to judge these Babylonian, - these hostile- , world powers. We see his throne of judgment and there around more thrones. See revelation 20 verses 4 and 12:
Then I saw thrones, and those who sat on them were given the power to judge”………… “And I saw the dead, great and small alike, standing before the throne. Books were opened, (see verse 10) and then another book was opened, the book of the living. The dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books”. This is the beginning of the final Day of Judgment, “the day of the Lord”. See revelation 1 verses 10-16: “On the Lord's day the Spirit took control of me, and I heard a loud voice, that sounded like a trumpet, speaking behind me. It said, “Write down what you see”……. I turned around to see who was talking to me, and I saw ……..what looked like a human being, wearing a robe that reached to his feet, and a gold band around his chest.  His hair was white as wool, or as snow, and his eyes blazed like fire;   his feet shone like brass that has been refined and polished, and his voice sounded like a roaring waterfall. His face was as bright as the midday sun”. This image from revelation 1 is very similar to the image given in Daniel 7 verse 9. These two persons are very closely related: Father and Son. Note also that both, in Revelation 1 verse 13, and in Daniel 7 verse 13 the words: “what looked like a human being” are used. These words refer to the Son: Jesus Christ.
 See also Revelation 3 verse 21: “To those who win the victory I will give the right to sit beside me on my throne, just as I have been victorious and now sit by my Father on his throne”. And revelation 5 verse 11:” Again I looked, and I heard angels, thousands and millions of them! They stood around the throne, the four living creatures, and the elders”.  This is what it says also in verse 10 of Daniel 7:and millions of people stood before him
>>> Verse 11: The fourth beast is being killed. See 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 8: “Then the Wicked One will be revealed, but when the Lord Jesus comes, he will kill him with the breath from his mouth and destroy him with his dazzling presence”. This fourth beast, representing Babylon/Rome of the end times with its materialism, occultism, impureness, power, inquisition and more, will be judged as described in Rev. 18: 8-10: “Because of this, in one day she will be struck with plagues disease, grief, and famine. And she will be burned with fire, because the Lord God, who judges her, is mighty. The kings of the earth who took part in her immorality and lust will cry and weep over the city when they see the smoke from the flames that consume her”.

Friday, November 15, 2013

3.0- The Vision of the One Who Has Been Living Forever.

In Daniel 7 verses 9 through 14 we read:

9 While I was looking, thrones were put in place. One who had been living forever sat down on one of the thrones. His clothes were white as snow, and his hair was like pure wool. His throne, mounted on fiery wheels, was blazing with fire,

 10 and a stream of fire was pouring out from it. There were many thousands of people there to serve him, and millions of people stood before him. The court began its session, and the books were opened.
11 While I was looking, I could still hear the little horn bragging and boasting. As I watched, the fourth beast was killed, and its body was thrown into the flames and destroyed. 12 The other beasts had their power taken away, but they were permitted to go on living for a limited time.
13 During this vision in the night, I saw what looked like a human being. He was approaching me, surrounded by clouds, and he went to the one who had been living forever and was presented to him.   14 He was given authority, honor, and royal power, so that the people of all nations, races, and languages would serve him. His authority would last forever, and his kingdom would never end”. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

2.3- Discussion of Daniel 7, verse 8.

>>> Verse 8: We see the appearance of a little horn coming up among the others of the fourth beast. This horn had human eyes and a mouth that was boasting proudly. We read about this same beast in Revelation 13 verses 5 and 6: “The beast was allowed to make proud claims which were insulting to God, and it was permitted to have authority for forty-two months. It began to curse God, his name, the place where he lives, and all those who live in heaven”. To better understand the significance of this beast, there are three more passages in revelation, which speak about this beast as follows:
-1st: Revelation 13 verses 1-8, where the “beast from the sea” is shown as uniting all godless nations until the time of the antichrist. It had ten horns and seven heads (Satan). On each of its horns there was a crown…. See also revelation 12, verse 3: “Another mysterious sight appeared in the sky. There was a huge red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and a crown on each of his heads”.  (More about this beast in Daniel 7, verses 24 and 25).
-2nd: Revelation 17 verses 1 through 12, where this beast is shown as being temporarily (see verse 16) united with Babylon. The famous prostitute represents Babylon. We read later on that the beast will hate the prostitute. There unison fails, as also is indicated in Daniel 2 verse 43: “You also saw that the iron was mixed with the clay. This means that the rulers of that empire will try to unite their families by intermarriage, but they will not be able to, any more than iron can mix with clay”.

-3rd: Revelation 12 calls this beast the “dragon”. In verses 3, 4 and 5 of chapter 12 we read: “Another mysterious sight appeared in the sky. There was a huge red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and a crown on each of his heads.   With his tail he dragged a third of the stars out of the sky and threw them down to the earth. He stood in front of the woman, in order to eat her child as soon as it was born.   Then she gave birth to a son, who will rule over all nations with an iron rod”. We see how the dragon, - Satan -, threatens the woman that gives birth (Israel). Her child, the Messiah, will rule with an iron rod, see psalms 2 verse 9: “You will break them with an iron rod; you will shatter them in pieces like a clay pot”. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

2.2- Discussion of Daniel 7, verses 4-7

>>>Verse 4: Lion-eagle-human-human mind… “almost godly”, without God: ally of Satan. The lion with wings of an eagle is the image of Babylon. See Daniel 2 verse 37, 38: “Your Majesty, you are the greatest of all kings. The God of heaven has made you emperor and given you power, might, and honor. He has made you ruler of all the inhabited earth and ruler over all the animals and birds. You are the head of gold”.
>>> Verse 5: “The second beast looked like a bear”. This is the representation of the kingdom of the Medes and Persians. See also Daniel 2verse 39a: “After you there will be another empire, not as great as yours”, (silver). And Daniel 8 verse 20: “The ram you saw that had two horns represents the kingdoms of Media and Persia”. The ram and the bear both represent the Medes and the Persians.
>>> Verse 6: The leopard with wings.  Representing the Greek/Macedonian empire. The leopard is an animal capable to run very fast, simulating the speed at which Alexander the Great conquered the world of that time. See also Daniel 2 verse 39b: “and after that a third, an empire of bronze, which will rule the whole earth”. Daniel 8 verse 21: “The goat represents the kingdom of Greece, and the prominent horn between his eyes is the first king”.
The goat and the leopard both represent Greece.

>>> Verse 7: A fourth beast, powerful, horrible and terrifying. It had iron teeth. This represents the Roman empire. See Revelation 13 verses1.2: Then I saw a beast coming up out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads; on each of its horns there was a crown, and on each of its heads there was a name that was insulting to God.   The beast looked like a leopard, with feet like a bear's feet and a mouth like a lion's mouth”. Daniel 2 verse 40. “And then there will be a fourth empire, as strong as iron, which shatters and breaks everything”. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

2.1- Discussion of Daniel 7, verses 1-3

>>>Verse 1: 555 BC. Belshazzar was the last king of Babylon (555-536 BC). … See chapter 5: Belshazzar's last Banquet, with the writing on the plaster wall of the palace…
>>>Verse 2: Spiritual battle (winds from all directions) has trapped the nations. These winds are Gods spirit, and can be for the world as a blessing, but also as a judgment. See Revelation 7 verses 1, 2: “After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds so that no wind should blow on the earth or the sea or against any tree. 2 And I saw another angel coming up from the east with the seal of the living God. He called out in a loud voice to the four angels to whom God had given the power to damage the earth and the sea”. Zechariah 6 verse 5: “He answered, “These are the four winds; they have just come from the presence of the Lord of all the earth.” John 3verse 8: “The wind blows wherever it wishes; you hear the sound it makes, but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going. It is like that with everyone who is born of the Spirit.
In proverbs it says that the winds are controlled by Gods hands; Proverbs 30 verse 4; “Have any ever mastered heavenly knowledge? Have any ever caught the wind in their hands?
These winds also are there for help and support, as indicated in Hebrews 1 verse 7: “But about the angels God said, “God makes his angels winds, and his servants flames of fire."

>>>Verse 3: These beasts represent earthly powers that come from the nations: “the ocean”. In other words, political, military or spiritual powers (see verse 17). Also see Revelation 13 verses 1-8: “Then I saw a beast coming up out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads; on each of its horns there was a crown, and on each of its heads there was a name that was insulting to God….. “

Monday, November 11, 2013

2.0- Daniel's Vision of the Four Beasts.

In Daniel 7, verses 1-8 we read:
“1 In the first year that Belshazzar was king of Babylonia, I had a dream and saw a vision in the night. I wrote the dream down, and this is the record 2 of what I saw that night: Winds were blowing from all directions and lashing the surface of the ocean. 3 Four huge beasts came up out of the ocean, each one different from the others.  4 The first one looked like a lion, but had wings like an eagle. While I was watching, the wings were torn off. The beast was lifted up and made to stand up straight. And then a human mind was given to it.
5 The second beast looked like a bear standing on its hind legs. It was holding three ribs between its teeth, and a voice said to it, “Go on, eat as much meat as you can!”
6 While I was watching, another beast appeared. It looked like a leopard, but on its back there were four wings, like the wings of a bird, and it had four heads. It had a look of authority about it.
7 As I was watching, a fourth beast appeared. It was powerful, horrible, terrifying. With its huge iron teeth it crushed its victims, and
then it trampled on them. Unlike the other beasts, it had ten horns.

8 While I was staring at the horns, I saw a little horn coming up among the others. It tore out three of the horns that were already there. This horn had human eyes and a mouth that was boasting proudly”. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Index of chapters

1.0- Introduction
2.0- Daniel 7, 1-8, Daniel's vision of the four beasts.
2.1- Discussion of Daniel 7, verses 1-3
2.2- Discussion of Daniel 7, verses 4-7.
2.3- Discussion of Daniel 7, verse 8.
3.0- Daniel 7, 9-14, The vision of the One who has been living
3.1- Discussion of Daniel 7, verses 9-11
3.2- Discussion of Daniel 7, verses 12-14
4.0- Daniel 7, 15-28, The visions are explained
4.1- Discussion of Daniel 7, verses 15-23
4.2- Discussion of Daniel 7 verses 24- 28.
5.0- Daniel 8, 1-14, Daniel's Vvision of a Ram and a Goat
5.1- Discussion of Daniel 8, verses 1- 4
5.2- Discussion of Daniel 8, verses 5- 9
5.3- Discussion of Daniel 8, verses 10-14
6.0- Daniel 8, 15-27, The angel Gabriel explains the vision
6.1- Discussion of Daniel 8 verses 15-16
6.2- Discussion of Daniel 8 verses 17- 23
6.3- Discussion of Daniel 8 verses 24-27
7.0- Daniel 9, 1-19, Daniel prays for his people
7.1- Discussion of Daniel 9 verses 1- 3
7.2- Discussion of Daniel 9 verses 4 – 11
7.3- Discussion of Daniel 9 verses 12-19
8.0- Daniel 9, 20-27, Gabriel explains the prophecy
8.1- Discussion of Daniel 9, verses 20-24
8.2- Discussion of Daniel 9, verses 25 and 26
8.3- Discussion of Daniel 9, verse 27
9.0- Daniel 10, 1-11, 1, Daniel's vision by the Tigris river
9.1- Discussion of Daniel 10 verse 1-6
9.2- Discussion of Daniel 10 verses 7-13 
9.3- Discussion of Daniel 10 verses 14-21
10.0- Daniel 11, 2-20, The kingdoms of Egypt and Syria
10.1- Discussion of Daniel 11 verses 2-6
10.2- Discussion of Daniel 11 verses 7-16
10. 3- Discussion of Daniel 11 verses 17-20
11.0a- Daniel 11, 21-34, The evil king of Syria, first part:
          (Related to Antiochus IV Epiphanes)
11.1a- Discussion of Daniel 11, verses 21-23
11.2a - Discussion of Daniel 11, verses 24- 29
11.3a - Discussion of Daniel 11, verses 30- 34
11.0b- Daniel 11: 35- 45, The evil king of Syria, second part:
          (Related to the Antichrist)
11.1b - Discussion of Daniel 11, verses 35
11.2b - Discussion of Daniel 11, verses 36
11.3b - Discussion of Daniel 11, verses 37- 40
11.4b - Discussion of Daniel 11, verses 41- 45
12.0- Daniel 12, 1-13, The time of the End
12.1 - Discussion of Daniel 12, verse 1
12.2 - Discussion of Daniel 12, verses 2 and 3
12.3 - Discussion of Daniel 12, verses 4-10
12.4 - Discussion of Daniel 12, verses 11-13
13.0- Additional notes. 
13.1- General note
13.2- Brief overview of Daniel Chapter 7
13.3- Brief overview of Daniel Chapter 8
13.4- Brief overview of Daniel Chapter 9
13.5- Brief overview of Daniel Chapter 10
13.6- Brief overview of Daniel Chapters 11 and 12
13.7- Additional note to Daniel 10 verses 2 and 3
13.8- Additional note to Daniel 10 verses 18
13.9- Additional note to Daniel 10 verse 21
13.10- Additional note to Daniel 11 verse 36

1.- Introduction.

This second half of the book of Daniel is entirely visionary.
Daniel is a Judaic prince, who spends the whole 70 years of the captivity of Judah (606-536 BC) at the royal court in Babylon.
There he receives from God, through dreams and visions, insight in what will happen to his people Israel, from the time they are living in a hostile world there in Babylon, until de end times.
The visions of Daniel reach until the time when God will restore the "Kingdom of Israel”, see also Acts 1vs6: “When the apostles met together with Jesus, they asked him, “Lord, will you at this time give the Kingdom back to Israel?”
This "Revelation to Daniel" we should read together with the "Revelation to John."
Together they give us a more clear understanding of the time we live in: “the End Times”, in which we now find ourselves.
This text-by-text study intends to be of a help for achieving this goal.

This document describes what is written in the Bible about that what must happen before the return of Christ. Always have been used and quoted the biblical texts from the book of Daniel, in addition to related texts from elsewhere in the bible.
The style of the document is to "let the Bible speak" and only add comments where needed to assist in understanding the correct meaning of the texts.

Always when the Bible is quoted, the text will appear in italics.