Tuesday, November 26, 2013

6.1- Discussion of Daniel 8 verses 15-16

>>> Verse 15: To serve the human beings, God sends His angels. See also Hebrews 1 verse 14: “What are the angels, then? They are spirits who serve God and are sent by him to help those who are to receive salvation”. These angels come also in the form of human beings. See for example Hebrews 13 verse 2: “Remember to welcome strangers in your homes. There were some who did that and welcomed angels without knowing it”. And many more places in the bible, such as: Gen. 18: 1-3, 22, Gen. 19: 1-3, Gen.28: 12, 1Kings 19: 5-7, 2 Kings 6: 16, 17, Dan. 9: 21, Dan. 12: 5-7…. Sometimes also the Lord Himself comes to us in the form of an angel: See Genesis 18 verses1and 2: “The Lord appeared to Abraham at the sacred trees of Mamre. As Abraham was sitting at the entrance of his tent during the hottest part of the day,   he looked up and saw three men standing there”.  (Other examples of this we can find in Gen. 32:1, 2, Jos. 5: 13-15…and more). This is because He has made us after His image, and therefore there exists certain equality. See John 4 verse 24: “God is Spirit, and only by the power of his Spirit can people worship him as he really is”. And also 1 John 3 verse 2: “My dear friends, we are now God's children, but it is not yet clear what we shall become. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he really is”. Therefore: God wants to relate to us not as a man with his servant, but as a man with his wife, as partners. The relation is based on equality.
>>> Verse 16: A voice was heard to tell Gabriel to explain the meaning of what Daniel saw. This appearance, the Lord Himself,  was of a higher rank than Gabriel to who He gives the order for the benefit of Daniel. This is because angels are lower in ranking than God’s children. See also, in Hebrews 1 verse 14: “What are the angels, then? They are spirits who serve God and are sent by him to help those who are to receive salvation”, and 1 Cor. 6 verse 3: “¿Do you not know that we shall judge the angels?” 
And to us, similarly as to Daniel, God gives it us to understand the meaning of the vision. To have it explained to us is not necessary, because the explanation is given here already by the Angel Gabriel. 

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