Friday, December 13, 2013

10.2- Discussion of Daniel 11 verses 7-16

>>> In General, we see in these verses a time of suffering, battles, persecution and other distress. Many would ask: ¿Where is God?
It is the time of the rise of unbelief, atheism and revolution against God. Therefore, God is not mentioned in this chapter except once, in verse 32, where his name is used to show how it should be: “but those who follow God will fight back”.
 >>> Verses 7 and 8: The brother of Berenice, Ptolemy III, attacks Syria to revenge his sister. He conquered the eastern provinces in the year 246 BC.
>>> Verse 9: After this it is Seleucis II who attacks Egypt. He is however obliged to return to his own country, because of troubles there.
>>> Verses 10-14: Continued battles between Egypt and Syria, (284 BC.–175BC.), especially about the possession of Palestine.
>>> Verse 11: This concerns Ptolemy IV Philopator , son of Ptolemy III Euergetes I and Berenice II. He was king of Egypt from 221BC - 205 BC.  During his reign began the decline of the Ptolemaic Empire.
>>> Verse 13: He was defeated by Antiochus III, “the great” in 198 BC. Antiochus III reined from 223BC-187BC.
>>> Verse 14: The king of Egypt was Ptolemy V, also called Epiphanes. Some apostate Jews took the side of Ptolemy against Antiochus, but others took the other side. … From this we learn that believers should not take part- or support, any of the “Babylonian” world powers, which are fighting each other, see John 18 verse 36:”Jesus answered, “My kingdom doesn't belong to this world”. 
>>> Verses 15 and 16: The king of Syria, Antiochus the Great fought against Ptolemy V of Egypt. He was thereby helped by a number of Jews (see verse 14). This was because he privileged the Jews by helping them to return from exile. Nevertheless all of this was deceiving, because as it says in verse 16: “He will stand in the Promised Land and have it completely in his power”. 

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