Saturday, December 28, 2013

12.4 - Discussion of Daniel 12, verse 5-10

>>> Verses 5 and 6: This situation is similar to the one described in Genesis 18 verses 1 and 2 where we read: “The Lord appeared to Abraham at the sacred trees of Mamre. As Abraham was sitting at the entrance of his tent during the hottest part of the day,   he looked up and saw three men standing there. As soon as he saw them, he ran out to meet them”. Also here in Genesis we see three men, one of them being the Lord Himself. In the vision of Daniel there is also the appearance of the Angel, (the Lord Himself?), with the two men standing by a river, one on each bank. Daniel and Abraham have many things in common: namely their tremendous faith and their intercession for others in their prayers; Daniel for his people Israel and Abraham pleading for Sodom and for Lot.
>>> Verse 7: For a discussion of the three and a half years, when the persecution of God's people ends, see under chapter 8.3 of this blog and its discussion of Daniel 9, verse 27.  At the end of those three and a half years, also the total of the seventy “yearweeks” of Daniel 9 verse 24 will be ended.
>>> Verses 8 and 9: In verse 8 we read that Daniel asks: “But, sir, how will it all end”.  The question: “how will it all end”, is not answered, see under verse 4: The book was to be closed.  However Daniel receives the promise that he will be there at the end of time and receive his reward. 
>>> Verse 10: In this verse it says that many people will be purified. It is because through all this, God acts causing purification, also in today’s Israel. See John 15 verse 3: “You have been made clean already by the teaching I have given you”: Purification through suffering.  But those who fear God will see the Lord’s hand in all of this and receive strength. See Matthew 5 verse 8: “Happy are the pure in heart; they will see God!” and Mathew 24 verse 13: “But whoever holds out to the end will be saved”.  Also 1 John 3 verse 3: “Everyone who has this hope in Christ keeps himself pure, just as Christ is pure”. 

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