Tuesday, April 8, 2014

3.2-The invasion of China into Israel

We read in Revelation 16 verse 12: “Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great Euphrates River. The river dried up, to provide a way for the kings who come from the orient”. The orient is east of the Eurasian continent, which is China. The Sixth Trumpet (The sixth angel) also sparked an invasion coming from the other side of the Euphrates; see Revelation 9.13-16 which reads: “Then the sixth angel blew his trumpet. I heard a voice coming from the four corners of the gold altar standing before God. The voice said to the sixth angel, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great Euphrates River!”  The four angels were released; for this very hour of this very day of this very month and year they had been kept ready to kill a third of the entire human race. I was told the number of the mounted troops: it was two hundred million”.

 What stands out here is the prediction that a third of all people will be killed. We also see the number of soldiers who will take part in the invasion: 200 million! We know that China is able to collect that number of soldiers.
This will be the bloodiest war in human history.
Also in Revelation 16 verse 12 we read: “Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great Euphrates River. The river dried up, to provide a way for the kings who come from the east.

That's why in Daniel 12 verse 1 it says that there will be no other time as distressing as this one..... We read there: “The angel wearing linen clothes said, “At that time the great angel Michael, who guards your people, will appear. Then there will be a time of troubles, the worst since nations first came into existence”.
(More about the invasion of China can be red in Matthew 24:21, Mark 13:19, Revelation 7:14, 12:7, Isaiah 66:15, Joel 2:2, 3, 31, Zephaniah 1:18, Malachi 4 : 1 ....)

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