Monday, May 19, 2014

2 - Theories about the appearance of giants, the NEPHILIM

2.1 – The theory of the union of supernatural beings, called in
         the bible “sons of God”, with human women.

Many well-known theologians and researchers believe that the sons of God are the divine or heavenly beings, spoken of in the Bible, such as those mentioned in Job 2 verse1: “When the day came for the heavenly beings to appear before the Lord again, Satan was there among them”, and also Job 38 verse7 “In the dawn of that day the stars sang together, and the heavenly beings shouted for joy”.   And Psalm 29 verse1: “Praise the Lord, you heavenly beings;
praise his glory and power”.  And furthermore Psalm 89 verse7: “You are feared in the council of the holy ones”............ There are many more examples in the Bible where the heavenly angels / beings are mentioned.

According to this theory, the giants were born from the unnatural union of the above mentioned heavenly beings called also “sons of God” in Genesis 6 verse 2, with human women. ….These so-called "sons of God” (in other bible translations called: “heavenly beings”) are actually angels that were cast out of heaven along with the devil for their opposition against God.

                            The sin of the angels was that they revolted against God,
                             and because of this, they were cast down

This theory, has its parallel in a very ancient tradition, that the Israelites had in common with other neighboring peoples such as  the Greeks and Romans,
This tradition referred to a legendary race of giants (such as Herakles and Achilles in the case of the Greeks). But also in other religions such as Indian, Mayan, and many more, we find the same traditions..
 ( (As an additional comment, one  can say that the children of God are a creation of God , and therefore are called "sons of God" , but they were opposed to God and had joined with Satan)). 
Satan had taken one third of the angels with him, says the Bible. For Satan it was very important to have reinforcements, because the army of God at this time had twice as many angels as Satan had (2/3 against 1/3)..... It becomes clear that Satan used his evil forces to have his angels join with humans to create giants to serve him....
A well-known example of this is the giant Goliath who opposed God in front of the Israelites. In the book of Samuel we read how he cursed God and the Israelites. Here we see his evil nature, serving Satan . David took five stones, and not one, to kill Goliath. This was because Goliath had four brothers, and David had to kill these four also with the four stones he had left. Throughout the Bible we can read about giants, (Nephilim), like Goliath, trying to destroy Israel, and with that, God's plan with the world,
The destruction of Israel is so important to Satan because the Messiah was to be born in Israel, and it was prophesized that the Messiah would destroy Satan. We can read about this prophesy in Genesis 3 verses 14 and 15: “Then the Lord God said to the snake, “You will be punished for this; you alone of all the animals must bear this curse: From now on you will crawl on your belly, and you will have to eat dust as long as you live.   I will make you and the woman hate each other; her offspring and yours will always be enemies. Her offspring will crush your head, and you will bite her offspring’s heel”.
With the words “her offspring …” is meant the coming of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, who will destroy, “crush”, Satan. 
Of course, Satan wants to avoid that the Messiah could de born in Israel, and therefore he always tries to destroy Israel. 

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