Monday, June 30, 2014

5 -  The situation now :

The last biblical reference to the giants, I believe, is Isaiah 45:14, where the Lord says to Israel that: “the tall men of Seba will be your slaves”. I have not been able to find more mention in the bible after this.

At this moment there are no more Giants, but other weapons are used by Satan to force Israel out of their country. This is being done, again by Satan, for the same reason as before with the Nephilim. We now see tanks used as the weapon to have come in the place the Nephilim.

A series of wars between Israeli and various Arab forces took place during recent decades, most notably in 1948–49, 1956, 1967, 1973, and 1982.

Also here we see the same strategy used by Satan to not let the Israelites live in their country, especially in Jerusalem. Israel now is surrounded by countries which are hostile to them and who all have one goal, which is to expel the Israelites from their country (See Psalm 83:4 ... “Come,” they say, “let us destroy their nation, so that Israel will be forgotten forever.”) .... But the Israelites are no more going to be expelled from the country where they are now, and above all they will stay in Jerusalem, where Jesus will return “among his people”. (See Amos 9: 14.15: “I will bring my people back to their land. They will rebuild their ruined cities and live there; they will plant vineyards and drink the wine; they will plant gardens and eat what they grow. I will plant my people on the land I gave them, and they will not be pulled up again, says the Lord God “) .
As a consequence, Jerusalem will be the world's most discussed, contentious and controversial city. There are many prophecies in the Bible that talk about this, but this is beyond the scope of this blog and is therefore not discussed here.

6 - Conclusions      
The above has been written to be of help in answering questions that may arise on the subject of the Nephilim. Questions normally asked relate to:
- Where do they come from?
- What do they really want?
- To what are they capable?
- Why did God command to kill everyone related to them?
- The reason for their existence before and after the flood.

No more Nephilim are born any more now, because the satanic reason for their existence in the past does not exist anymore since other means are being used now. However the battle, organized by Satan, to destroy God’s plan with this world, and whereby Israel plays a key role, is still going on. This battle will continue until is fulfilled what it says in Revelation 20 verse 10: “Then the Devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had already been thrown; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever”.

        ---------------End of this blog on the Nephilim--------

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