Monday, June 30, 2014

5 -  The situation now :

The last biblical reference to the giants, I believe, is Isaiah 45:14, where the Lord says to Israel that: “the tall men of Seba will be your slaves”. I have not been able to find more mention in the bible after this.

At this moment there are no more Giants, but other weapons are used by Satan to force Israel out of their country. This is being done, again by Satan, for the same reason as before with the Nephilim. We now see tanks used as the weapon to have come in the place the Nephilim.

A series of wars between Israeli and various Arab forces took place during recent decades, most notably in 1948–49, 1956, 1967, 1973, and 1982.

Also here we see the same strategy used by Satan to not let the Israelites live in their country, especially in Jerusalem. Israel now is surrounded by countries which are hostile to them and who all have one goal, which is to expel the Israelites from their country (See Psalm 83:4 ... “Come,” they say, “let us destroy their nation, so that Israel will be forgotten forever.”) .... But the Israelites are no more going to be expelled from the country where they are now, and above all they will stay in Jerusalem, where Jesus will return “among his people”. (See Amos 9: 14.15: “I will bring my people back to their land. They will rebuild their ruined cities and live there; they will plant vineyards and drink the wine; they will plant gardens and eat what they grow. I will plant my people on the land I gave them, and they will not be pulled up again, says the Lord God “) .
As a consequence, Jerusalem will be the world's most discussed, contentious and controversial city. There are many prophecies in the Bible that talk about this, but this is beyond the scope of this blog and is therefore not discussed here.

6 - Conclusions      
The above has been written to be of help in answering questions that may arise on the subject of the Nephilim. Questions normally asked relate to:
- Where do they come from?
- What do they really want?
- To what are they capable?
- Why did God command to kill everyone related to them?
- The reason for their existence before and after the flood.

No more Nephilim are born any more now, because the satanic reason for their existence in the past does not exist anymore since other means are being used now. However the battle, organized by Satan, to destroy God’s plan with this world, and whereby Israel plays a key role, is still going on. This battle will continue until is fulfilled what it says in Revelation 20 verse 10: “Then the Devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had already been thrown; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever”.

        ---------------End of this blog on the Nephilim--------

Monday, June 23, 2014

Continuation of 4, - Events after the flood

As was the case with a number of the kings of Israel, also Joshua had the mission to kill the Nephilim, but he failed to kill all of them. See Joshua 11 verses 21 and 22, "... At this time Joshua went and destroyed the race of giants called the Anakim who lived in the hill country—in Hebron, Debir, Anab, and in all the hill country of Judah and Israel. Joshua completely destroyed them and their cities. 22 None of the Anakim were left in the land of Israel; a few, however, were left in Gaza, Gath, and Ashdod”....Those are precisely the places where Israel now has problems with their neighbors who are attacking them exactly from the same areas as where Joshua failed to kill the giants! ! !

 (Seeing this we can better understand why God orders Saul to kill all the Amalekites... See 1 Samuel 13 verse 3: “Go and attack the Amalekites and completely destroy everything they have. Don't leave a thing; kill all the men, women, children, and babies; the cattle, sheep, camels, and donkeys”…. This is because there were Giants, Nephilim, among them.)
When God had revealed to Abraham that Canaan would be given to him and his children, Satan had over 400 years to introduce the Nephilim in the country. And that is exactly what he did. (The time between Abraham and Moses is approximately 400 years)

When Moses sent his twelve spies to explore the land of Canaan they returned and reported that giants lived in the land of Canaan. See Numbers 13 verse 28 and 32: “we saw the descendants of the giants there. Amalekites live in the southern part of the land; Hittites, Jebusites, and Amorites live in the hill country; and Canaanites live by the Mediterranean Sea and along the Jordan River.... We also saw the giants , the descendants of Anak . Beside we felt like grasshoppers , and so we watched them too ..….Everyone we saw was very tall,   and we even saw giants there, the descendants of Anak. We felt as small as grasshoppers, and that is how we must have looked to them.”. 

The fear of those terrifying creatures had as result that the Israelites were forced to wander in the wilderness for 38 years.

When Joshua and the nation of Israel later on entered the land of Canaan , God instructed them to kill every man, woman and child of a number of tribes . See the texts, - not copied here- , in the following verses: Joshua 6:21 , 9:24 , 10:28, 39 , 11:24, Deuteronomy 2:34 , 7:02 , 3; 20:16-17 . 1 Sam 15:03 , 8, 18, ​​19 , Ps 137:8 , 9) .

….Apparently there was an invasion of giants in the land of Canaan. We can clearly recognize here the strategy of Satan which was, and always will be, to obstruct the entrance and existence of the people of Israel in their country, and with that to destroy Gods plan with this world. . . 

Monday, June 16, 2014

4 - Events after the flood

With regards to the Nephilim, Genesis 6 verse 4 also includes the allusive phrase: " ... and also after that .... ".  Apparently, the existence of the Nephilim was not limited only to the period before the flood.
We see in the Bible that also after the flood Nephilim appear in different areas specifically in Canaan.  We can read for example in the bible about the giant races that lived there.

We may be surprised when we see how often texts appear talking about the activities of giants as if their existence were an accepted element in the life of the people of Canaan…. For example we read in 2 Samuel 21 verses 15 to 22:There was another war between the Philistines and Israel, and David and his men went and fought the Philistines. During one of the battles David grew tired.  A giant named Ishbibenob, who was carrying a bronze spear that weighed about seven and a half pounds and who was wearing a new sword, thought he could kill David.   But Abishai son of Zeruiah came to David's help, attacked the giant, and killed him. Then David's men made David promise that he would never again go out with them to battle. “You are the hope of Israel, and we don't want to lose you,” they said. After this there was a battle with the Philistines at Gob, during which Sibbecai from Hushah killed a giant named Saph.

 There was another battle with the Philistines at Gob, and Elhanan son of Jair from Bethlehem killed Goliath from Gath, whose spear had a shaft as thick as the bar on a weaver's loom.
Then there was another battle at Gath, where there was a giant who loved to fight. He had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. He defied the Israelites, and Jonathan, the son of David's brother Shammah, killed him. These four were descendants of the giants of Gath, and they were killed by David and his men”   
It is amazing to see how often giants appear in the time of David, exactly at the moment that David was establishing the people of Israel in their country as a strong nation.  This can be understood, because it was very important for Satan to avoid that Israel would settle and get a place in the land, promised by God to Abraham. This was to avoid that once the Messiah would come into this world and live amongst his people Israel, as prophesized earlier.

 Here below follow a number of references to Nephilim. They are given here to get a better understanding of the extent of their penetration in the world surrounding Israel: 

There were tribes, such as the Emim, who were giants. We can read about them in Deuteronomy 2 verses10-11: " A mighty race of giants called the Emim used to live in Ar. They were as tall as the Anakim, another race of giants. 11 Like the Anakim they were also known as Rephaim; but the Moabites called them Emim. Also is there the kingdom of Og, the king of Bashan, in the " land of giants . " See Deut.3 verse 11, mentioned before. Sometime later we read about Arba, see Joshua 14:12 an 15 . "…….We told you then that the race of giants called the Anakim were there in large walled cities…….. Before this, Hebron was called the city of Arba. (Arba had been the greatest of the Anakim)….. 
In 1 Samuel 17 verse 4: “A man named Goliath, from the city of Gath, came out from the Philistine camp to challenge the Israelites. He was over nine feet tall. He had four brothers of the same height”…. We all know that David killed Goliath. ….Here, and in other cases mentioned in the bible, we see how God used David, amongst others, to kill the Nephilim . 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Continuation of Chapter 3 - Who were the Nephilim ?

According to Hebrew writings and other apocryphal books (such as the book of Enoch), the Nephilim were a race of giants and super - heroes, who committed acts of great evil. Their great size and power seemed to come from the mixture of their demonic DNA and human genetics. All the Bible says directly about them is that they were “mighty men which were of old, men of renown". (Genesis 6 verse 4) The Nephilim were not aliens, as many people often think, they were literally physical beings produced by the union of the “sons of God” (fallen angels) and daughters of men. 

The Nephilim were one of the main reasons for the great flood in Noah's time . Immediately after the Nephilim are mentioned, the word of God tells us that, " When the Lord saw how wicked everyone on earth was and how evil their thoughts were all the time, he was sorry that he had ever made them and put them on the earth. He was so filled with regret that he said, “I will wipe out these people I have created, and also the animals and the birds, because I am sorry that I made any of them.”(Genesis 6 verses 5-7) So God proceeded to flood the world, killing all and everyone, including the race of giants, saving only Noah and his family, and the animals within the ark (Genesis 6:11-22).
The bible tells us that “Noah had no faults and was the only good man of his time.”…in other words, Noah was not contaminated with the DNA of the Nephilim.

Related to the fact that Angels had relations with human woman, it is interesting to note a text of the book of Job, the oldest book of the bible:

This book is written by the patriarch Job, who lived close to the time of the flood, thus the references to angels reflect this. There is a passage that states directly that certain angels were indeed involved in illicit relations with human women. It occurs when Eliphas, one of Job’s three friends who are trying to encourage him over the loss of his family, shares a Divine vision he had:

 We read in Job 4 verses 13 -18: “Now a thing was secretly brought to me, and mine ear received a little thereof.  In thoughts from the visions of the night, when deep sleep falleth on men, Fear came upon me, and trembling, which made all my bones to shake.  Then a spirit passed before my face; the hair of my flesh stood up:  It stood still, but I could not discern the form thereof: an image was before mine eyes, there was silence, and I heard a voice, saying,  Shall mortal man be more just than God? Shall a man be more pure than his maker?  Behold, he put no trust in his servants; and his angels he charged with folly”.
The word “folly” in the Old Testament is used to describe sexual sin.
We can see that also in other places such as in Genesis 34: 7 (“because he had wrought folly in Israel in lying with Jacob's daughter”) and also in 2 Samuel 13 verse 12 (“And she answered him, Nay, my brother, do not force me; for no such thing ought to be done in Israel: do not thou this folly”).

These and other passages in the bible give us more and more the guarantee that the giants (nephilim) were indeed beings, produced by the union of the “sons of God”, (fallen angels), and daughters of men. They have no relation whatever with the so-called “aliens”, that many people wrongly believe, are visiting us from outer space.

Monday, June 2, 2014

3 - Who were the Nephilim ?

The Nephilim were a race that came to dominate already since the antediluvian (pre-flood) world, and are referred to in the Bible as the heroes of old, men of renown. They were reportedly the children born to the "Sons of God" by the "daughters of men", and are described as giants. It is also important to note that they are mentioned almost simultaneous to God's statement that He would destroy the earth by flood, and it seems from this association that their effect upon mankind was one of the primary justifications for their destruction, whether it be by the flood or in battle.

In the Greek Septuagint the word "nephilim" was also translated as "gigantes" (gigantic). This translation is undoubtedly used because the Nephilim later became known as giants to the ancient Hebrews, as illustrated by the manner in which they were referenced to when the Israelite spies were sent into Canaan (See Numbers 13 verse 33, mentioned before).

We may wonder what could be the meaning or significance of the existence of the nephilim.  The Bible gives us clear indications in which direction we have to look for the answer:

The “sons of God”, were actually fallen angels, as explained in chapter 2.1 before. They were really demons, evil and twisted beings. Nothing they do should surprise us.

The only possible answer to the question of what their intentions were is that they were trying to contaminate the blood of the human race, with the final purpose to prevent the coming of the Messiah - Jesus Christ. God had promised that the Messiah would come from the lineage of Eve and would crush the serpent's head - Satan. (See Genesis 3 verses 14 and 15: ”You will be punished for this; you alone of all the animals must bear this curse: From now on you will crawl on your belly, and you will have to eat dust as long as you live.   I will make you and the woman hate each other; her offspring and yours will always be enemies. Her offspring will crush your head, and you will bite her offspring’s heel”.)   The demons tried to prevent this, contaminating the blood of the human race, thus making it impossible that one day the Messiah would be born, pure and without sin. All this is in complete agreement with everything the Bible teaches.
Throughout their existence we see that the nephilim were always present when there was an opportunity for them to destroy Israel, or to prevent them from establishing themselves. (See for example the story of Goliath, and Numbers 13 verse 22: “They went first into the southern part of the land and came to Hebron, where the clans of Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai, the descendants of a race of giants called the Anakim, lived”.)
Thinking about this “race of giants”, it makes us compare it with Hannibal of Carthage who also used “giants”, - in his case elephants-, to combat the Romans.
Indeed, the giants that lived in and around Palestine, at the time when the Israelites were to take possession of the land, were a strong force (prepared by Satan) they had to overcome. 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Here below, under chapters 2.2 and 2.3, a few alternative theories for the appearance of Nephilim are given. This is done to make sure that all possible paths for their development are covered.

2.2 – The theory of the giants being natural descendants of

This theory says that the giants ( " Nephilim " ) are not the result of sex between men and angels, because angels have no reproductive capacity because they were not created by God for that purpose.
The Nephilim would be in that case just a race of giants that existed before the flood.
The argument is used that in Matthew 22:30, Jesus said to the Pharisees: “For when the dead rise to life, they will be like the angels in heaven and will not marry ". ..... Also it is argued that the complete number of angels was set once and for all by God in his sovereignty from day one and for eternity. No new angels are born....
This theory leaves many questions unanswered. For example the obvious question of from where could have come the giants if they are not the result of a supernatural union between heavenly beings and human beings? Because it is clear from the bible, - and excavations confirm this - , that the giants existed. Also we cannot say that this goes in against the words of Jesus, who spoke of what will happen in heaven but not on earth….
Also with this theory there is a problem to explain where these giants came from after the flood....

2.3 – The theory of the giants being the descendants of Seth
         and Cain

Another theory is that the “Sons of God” refers to the god-fearing line of Seth; and the daughters of men refer to the daughters of the unbelieving line of Cain. Variations on this theme include the idea, that the Sons of God were kings or priests who took any woman they choose to be their wife.

But this theory cannot be maintained because from the offspring of the two it can be seen that neither was exemplary. At Noah's time there was no one except Noah and a few of his family, who lived according to the will God.

         When Noah left the ark, the Nephilim were gone from the earth; however later on they appeared again.

Also: after the flood there was no more a separation between the descendants of Seth and Cain, and therefore no more giants could have been born, - (however they were born) -, due to the union between two different offsprings of Seth and Cain.

As the theory described under chapter 2.1 is the only one that leaves no unanswered questions open, and also nowhere is in disagreement with what the Bible says, and in addition fits in very well with the various occurrences described in the bible, ((such as whereby the devil tries to destroy God’s plan with this world – see later)), we will continue to develop this version and study more in detail about the Nephilim. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

2 - Theories about the appearance of giants, the NEPHILIM

2.1 – The theory of the union of supernatural beings, called in
         the bible “sons of God”, with human women.

Many well-known theologians and researchers believe that the sons of God are the divine or heavenly beings, spoken of in the Bible, such as those mentioned in Job 2 verse1: “When the day came for the heavenly beings to appear before the Lord again, Satan was there among them”, and also Job 38 verse7 “In the dawn of that day the stars sang together, and the heavenly beings shouted for joy”.   And Psalm 29 verse1: “Praise the Lord, you heavenly beings;
praise his glory and power”.  And furthermore Psalm 89 verse7: “You are feared in the council of the holy ones”............ There are many more examples in the Bible where the heavenly angels / beings are mentioned.

According to this theory, the giants were born from the unnatural union of the above mentioned heavenly beings called also “sons of God” in Genesis 6 verse 2, with human women. ….These so-called "sons of God” (in other bible translations called: “heavenly beings”) are actually angels that were cast out of heaven along with the devil for their opposition against God.

                            The sin of the angels was that they revolted against God,
                             and because of this, they were cast down

This theory, has its parallel in a very ancient tradition, that the Israelites had in common with other neighboring peoples such as  the Greeks and Romans,
This tradition referred to a legendary race of giants (such as Herakles and Achilles in the case of the Greeks). But also in other religions such as Indian, Mayan, and many more, we find the same traditions..
 ( (As an additional comment, one  can say that the children of God are a creation of God , and therefore are called "sons of God" , but they were opposed to God and had joined with Satan)). 
Satan had taken one third of the angels with him, says the Bible. For Satan it was very important to have reinforcements, because the army of God at this time had twice as many angels as Satan had (2/3 against 1/3)..... It becomes clear that Satan used his evil forces to have his angels join with humans to create giants to serve him....
A well-known example of this is the giant Goliath who opposed God in front of the Israelites. In the book of Samuel we read how he cursed God and the Israelites. Here we see his evil nature, serving Satan . David took five stones, and not one, to kill Goliath. This was because Goliath had four brothers, and David had to kill these four also with the four stones he had left. Throughout the Bible we can read about giants, (Nephilim), like Goliath, trying to destroy Israel, and with that, God's plan with the world,
The destruction of Israel is so important to Satan because the Messiah was to be born in Israel, and it was prophesized that the Messiah would destroy Satan. We can read about this prophesy in Genesis 3 verses 14 and 15: “Then the Lord God said to the snake, “You will be punished for this; you alone of all the animals must bear this curse: From now on you will crawl on your belly, and you will have to eat dust as long as you live.   I will make you and the woman hate each other; her offspring and yours will always be enemies. Her offspring will crush your head, and you will bite her offspring’s heel”.
With the words “her offspring …” is meant the coming of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, who will destroy, “crush”, Satan. 
Of course, Satan wants to avoid that the Messiah could de born in Israel, and therefore he always tries to destroy Israel.