Tuesday, December 17, 2013

11.2a - Discussion of Daniel 11, verses 24- 29

>>> Verse 24: Again, by using trickery, such as “nobody had ever done before him”, namely: he, Antiochus,  scattered coins amongst the people. In this way he made himself more popular.
He conquered Syria, Palestine and Phoenicia. Also he started a war with Egypt.
>>> Verses 25 and 26: He conquered Egypt under Ptolemy V, and put him in prison. He then proclaimed himself king of Egypt (171 BC -167BC.) For this he used corrupt practices and subornation of functionaries of Ptolemy.
>>> Verse 27: Antiochus Epiphanes and Ptolemy VI Filometer, (uncle and nephew), both plot and deceive each other, but the plans of both of them end up without results. This is because what it says at the end of this verse: “because the time for it has not yet come”. In other words: God entangled their thoughts, because He alone defines at what time things will occur, especially with reference to the “End Times”.
>>> Verse28: Antiochus returns to Syria, with the treasures he had captured in Egypt. In Judea there is great joy because of the rumor that Antiochus had died in the battle. Jason had returned before, to expel Menelaus. Antiochus on his part revenged himself because of the joy of the people over his supposed death. He caused a bloodbath and robbed the temple. 
>>> Verse 29: Antiochus invaded Egypt again but this time without success. 

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