Wednesday, December 18, 2013

11.3a - Discussion of Daniel 11, verses 30- 34

>>> Verse 30: The Romans obliged Antiochus to retreat from Egypt. He first wanted to consult with his allies, but the Roman delegation put a circle in the sand around him and told him not to step out of the circle without an answer. Antiochus conceded, while he was only at a distance of 10 kilometer from Alexandria. He was so angry about this, that he, on his way back, entered in Jerusalem, and killed 40 000 Jews. (This is why it says in this verse: “Then he will turn back in a rage and try to destroy the religion of God's people”). Many others he took with him in slavery.  Also, many unfaithful Jews helped him to defame the temple. (See also verse 32 of this chapter).
>>> Verse 31: Antiochus sent messengers with a decree to Jerusalem and all the towns of Judea, ordering the people to follow customs that were foreign to the country. He ordered them not to offer any more of the habitual offerings in the Temple, and commanded them to treat Sabbaths and festivals as ordinary work days. He had his soldiers slaughter a swine and with this he desecrated the altar and also he entered the holiest places of the temple. Here we see the preparation of the scenery for “The Awful Horror”, such as will occur later again. See Matthew 24 verse 15: “You will see ‘The Awful Horror’ of which the prophet Daniel spoke. It will be standing in the holy place.” And 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 4: “He will oppose every so-called god or object of worship and will put himself above them all. He will even go in and sit down in God's Temple and claim to be God”. And again in Daniel 8:11, Daniel 9:27, and Daniel 12: 11.
>>> Verse 32: This verse is a promise to us when it says: “he will win the support of those who have already abandoned their religion,
but those who follow God will fight back  ”. In other words: Those who remain close to God He will give strength to “fight back”. … It concerns here the Maccabees.
>>> Verse 33: The “Wise leaders” mentioned here are those who witness the truth to others, “sharing their wisdom”. But also the suffering will increase. They will “be killed in battle”.  This is also as it will be at the end times. 
>>> Verse 34: The “little help” mentioned in this verse comes from a revival movement that took place in the Jewish communion of the Maccabees. They fought against pagan blemishes.  However there were also hypocrites among them who went with them for selfish reasons as it says at the end of this verse: “even though many who join them will do so for selfish reasons”. 

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