Friday, April 4, 2014


The warfare of the many nations that will organize themselves to fight against Israel does not consist of only one battle, but a campaign of three successive battles:

3.1 ---The invasion into Israel of the nations from the north with
          its allies.

We will take as reference that what is written in Ezekiel 38: 1-6: “The Lord spoke to me.   “Mortal man,” he said, “denounce Gog, chief ruler of the nations of Meshech and Tubal in the land of Magog. Denounce him and tell him that I, the Sovereign Lord, am his enemy. I will turn him around, put hooks in his jaws, and drag him
and all his troops away. His army, with its horses and uniformed riders, is enormous, and every soldier carries a shield and is armed with a sword. Troops from Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya are with him, and all have shields and helmets. All the fighting men of the lands of Gomer and Beth Togarmah in the north are with him, and so are men from many other nations”.
An explanation of the names used in the text from Ezekiel 38 is as follows:
Gog: Is the leader or head of the alliance of nations from the north.  Ezekiel identifies Gog as being of Magog.  Gog is the political leader who organizes the alliance.
Land of Magog: The Jewish historian Josephus identified the land of Magog as Scythia, the progenitors of Russia which is north of Israel.  Also, in Genesis chapter 10, Magog is identified as one of the sons of Japheth. Therefore, by the time of Ezekiel his offspring would be a major nation. 
Meshech...Tubal:  These nations, like Magog, are the descendents of Japheth; In Ezekiel’s days, these nations were listed as traders for the goods of Tyre, north of Israel.
Gomer and Togarmah are located in Asia Minor or modern day Turkey. All these countries are located directly north of Israel.
Note: ……I need to mention here that there is some disagreement about the exact location of the various countries, however it is clear that they are all directly located north of Israel as mentioned in Ezekiel 38…………

The northern nations mentioned above will be accompanied by a federation of Arab states including Iran, Ethiopia and Libya, and Gómerd, and Beth-togarmah.

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